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Vision Australia has welcomed a significant commitment from the current NSW Government to support people who are blind or have low vision continue to access subsidised taxi travel.

The Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS) covers 50 per cent of the total fare, with a maximum subsidy of $60 per journey and is available to people unable to use public transport due to disability.

NSW Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance this week announced an additional $131 million for the TTSS over the next four years.

“Making public transport more accessible is a priority for the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government and while we continue to make huge progress with station and fleet upgrades, we have not forgotten the members of our community who simply can’t get on a train, bus or light rail service,” Mr Constance said.

Chris Edwards, Vision Australia Manager Government Relations and Advocacy, said the commitment from the NSW government comes at a time where there is significant concern about the future of subsidised taxi travel.

“We have become aware of a nation-wide State and Federal Government intention to remove taxi fare subsidies for people who are eligible for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding,” Chris said.

“While NDIS packages can include funding for transport, our anecdotal evidence tells us that it is often inadequate and inconsistent from case to case and we are concerned people who are blind or have low vision could be left stranded without adequate transport support,” he said.

Vision Australia has been advocating for a commitment from political parties to ensure the future of the TTSS in the lead up to NSW election on March 23.  

“This is a positive commitment by Government and it will provide peace of mind to people who are blind or have low vision in New South Wales in the knowledge they will be able to affordably access taxis when they need them,” Chris said.