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For almost 30 years, Norma lived with the knowledge that she would lose her vision to glaucoma.

Norma was originally diagnosed in 1984, but her vision didn't start to seriously deteriorate until 2012. Today she is left with 95% vision in her left eye and only 10% in her right eye.

"I was living in a town house around the time that my vision really began to get worse. I had a couple of falls and I rang a friend of mine and straight away she suggested Vision Australia," Norma said.

It's thanks to supporters like you that she was able to receive help when she needed it most, so she could maintain living as independently as possible.

Vision Australia's orientation and mobility specialists have made a huge difference to Norma, who struggled deeply with the loss of her self-reliance.

"Learning to use the white cane has really made a difference. I was reluctant about learning to use it at first because it made me feel a little vulnerable, but now I'm completely comfortable with it. I'm just so much more confident when out and about these days and the cane is also great because it lets people know I have low vision. When people see it they're a bit more considerate."

Because people like you support Vision Australia, Norma has been able to learn other strategies to cope with her severe vision loss.

"Learning how to use magnifiers has also helped me as well. I've got a small handheld one that I take everywhere with me. If I'm going shopping I use it to identify different products or if I'm catching the bus I use it to read the timetable. It also means I can read the menu if I'm at a cafe. If I don't have it with me these days I feel naked," she stated.

Vision Australia's occupational therapy staff have also helped make adjustments around Norma's house which have enabled her to turn her life around, such as adding tactile features.

Norma is so grateful to Vision Australia supporters for making a huge difference to her life.