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Being vision impaired isn’t an obstacle for a group of active Vision Australia clients in Mildura who have recently taken up cricket.

About 15 people who are blind or have low vision are part of a Learn N’ Do program, designed to help them learn new skills, get some exercise and socialise.

The program runs once a week with the support of staff and volunteers, who teach the participants activities including swimming, golf, 10-pin bowling and outdoor field exercises.

Now, with the help of the Sunraysia Men’s Shed, the group has started playing blind cricket.

Shed members have custom made a cricket bat for Vision Australia, so the sport can be played by people of all ages and with different vision impairments.

Vision Australia recreational support worker Janice Barnes said the partnership was formed through two of the Learn N’ Do members, William Antonie and Alan Fleming, who were also involved in the men’s shed.

“The two groups share a lot of the same goals and values, so it’s a great fit,” Ms Barnes said.

“We both provide opportunities for people in need in our community to access activities that will enhance their lives and wellbeing.”

Ms Barnes said blind cricket had been around for a long time, and allowed people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the recreational and social benefits of cricket.

It is played according to the normal rules of cricket apart from a few changes, such as: a woven plastic cane ball filled with metal or bells is used instead of a normal cricket ball, bowling is done underarm, only one batter can be on the pitch at a time, and team members may indicate to a batter how the ball is coming.

“Our group members have varying vision impairments and the youngest is 65, but they love being active and meeting new people – they just want to be out doing something,” Ms Barnes said.

“So we need the right equipment, and thanks to the men’s shed we have a beautifully made wooden bat – a bit wider than a normal cricket bat – that will allow everyone to play on an even field.”

For more information about the programs and services provided by Vision Australia Mildura, contact the centre on 5023 9500.

Pictured in the photos (L–R) is Don Higgins (he made the bat at the Sunraysia Men's Shed), Alan Fleming (VA client and member of the shed), and Vision Australia recreational support worker Janice Barnes.