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While there has been a change of government, support for DisabilityCare Australia remains strong… even if the Coalition plans to revert to the original name of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

According to the Coalition, the rebranding of the NDIS as DisabilityCare Australia has not been well received by many with disability.

“Australians with disability don’t want to be objects of care. They want to be supported, independent, in charge and in control of their lives,” the Coalition’s Policy for Disability and Carers stated. “That’s why the Coalition will revert to NDIS rather than DisabilityCare Australia.”

Prior to the election, the Coalition said they would honour the Commonwealth agreements with NSW, Victoria, SA, Tasmania, WA, the ACT and the NT for launch sites. The Coalition also said they will honour the Commonwealth agreements for the full state-wide rollout with all states and territories.

Their policy also included:

  • A commitment to keep the NDIS headquarters in Geelong;
  • Ensuring greater accountability in the placement of people with disability in employment by putting all policy and programmes for employment of people with disability under the responsibility of the Minister for Disabilities.
  • Establishing an industry advisory council for the disability and carer sector.
  • Establishing a Young Carer Bursary Programme to assist young carers with the cost of study while caring for a family member.
  • Maintaining the Carers Payment, Carers Allowance and Carers Supplement.
  • Expanding the responsibilities of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the NDIS to ensure this project remains on track through three Parliaments.