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Vision Australia’s Board of directors, unanimously agreed to co-opt Bill Jolley as an independent board member at its meeting on 26 June 2014.

Bill has been co-opted to replace the late Board member, Ross McColl.
Vision Australia’s Board membership aims to provide a balance of skills, experience and attributes to ensure that the Board can effectively govern Vision Australia.

Bill Jolley has been involved with Vision Australia and its heritage organisations for over 20 years and is currently a member of Vision Australia’s Client Representative Council and Chairs the Client Advisory Committee which supports the work of Vision Australia’s Accessible Information Solutions.  He is also an executive member of the International Council on English Braille and is able to provide the insights and life experience of a person who is blind. 

Bill has spent over 30 years as a leader in the print accessibility movement in Australia.  From 1981 to 1987 he managed the Braille Production unit at the Royal NSW Institute for Deaf and Blind Children at North Rocks in Sydney and later led braille production and literacy programs in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. From early 2001, he served for a time as Secretary General of the International DAISY Consortium which is the body which develops and promotes standards for the world-wide production of content in DAISY format. 

Bill was recently recognised with a Lifetime achievement award from the Round Table on Information Access for People with a Print Disability.
Bill’s appointment is effective from July 1, 2014 and in accordance with the Vision Australia constitution Bill’s ongoing appointment will be subject to the next general elections to be held in November.

Vision Australia welcomes Bill Jolley to the Board.