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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has reached a significant milestone with 100,000 Australians now participating in the scheme.

The NDIS is designed to give people living with a disability greater choice and control over what support services they receive and how they receive them. The rollout of the scheme has been underway for a little over 12 months.

Minister for Social Services, Christian Porter, said reaching 100,000 NDIS participants is a major milestone for the scheme.  

“One year into the national rollout of the NDIS we have 100,000 people with disability living more independent lives, accessing the services and equipment they need, participating in their communities, entering the workforce and contributing to the economy,” Mr Porter said.

 “All Australians should be very proud of this landmark Scheme that replaces a system where the level of support a person with disability received was determined by their postcode and the vastly different funding provided from all levels of government,” he said.

Graphic says 100,000 NDIS participants

The NDIS commenced on 1 July, 2013 in several trial locations across the country. During the three-year trial period, 30,000 Australians with disability entered the Scheme.

Following the successful trial, the national rollout commenced on 1 July, 2016 and is being introduced in stages around the country over a three-year period.

Once it becomes active nation-wide it is estimated 460,000 Australians will be active in the NDIS, many of whom will be people who are blind or have low vision.

Vision Australia can provide advice to people around the NDIS, including support during the planning and application process.  A dedicated Vision Australia NDIS Helpline – 1300 887 058 – has been established for anybody who requires further information.

Vision Australia has also compiled a series of podcasts that easily explain many of the frequently asked questions around the NDIS. You can find them here.