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The Australian Government has introduced the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Bill into Parliament on the last sitting day.

The Bill establishes the NDIS Launch Transition Agency as an independent body (under the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997) to deliver the scheme. 

The NDIS Agency will work with people with disability to develop a personal plan that identifies their goals and aspirations, recognises the support they receive from family and friends, and provides a statement of the support they will receive through the NDIS.

The Bill also supports people to manage their own funding where they choose to do so.

The Government has asked the Parliament to refer the Bill to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee for consideration, so that we can continue to receive feedback about this important reform. 

The Federal Government will also continue to work with states and territories as we work to build a National Disability Insurance Scheme.

People with disability, their families, carers and advocates will also have an opportunity to comment on the Bill on the Your Say forum on the NDIS website.

For more information about the Bill, visit www.ndis.gov.au