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Volunteers have always been at the heart of Vision Australia and are absolutely critical to the services offered to people who are blind or have low vision. So it’s fitting that we take the time each year to recognise their ongoing commitment and say thank you at an annual Mornings of Celebration event.

Volunteer week logo. Give happy, live happy.Each of our offices hosts a celebration event attended by a member of the senior leadership team to personally thank volunteers and present pins to commemorate milestones of service.

Ron Hooton, CEO of Vision Australia said the organisation has approximately 2,880 volunteers across the country, who contributed a total of 724,995 hours of work during the 2013/14 financial year.

“We are proud of our team of volunteers who have an amazing commitment to helping people who are blind or have low vision. The Morning of Celebration is just one way we can acknowledge their work and say ‘thank you’ for everything they do.”

“Volunteers at Vision Australia perform a huge range of jobs, such as audio description, transporting clients to day programs and low vision clinics, caring for Seeing Eye puppies, assisting with recreational activities; supporting our admin staff and helping ensure our library members receive their material on time.”

“On behalf of the Board and leadership team I thank every one of our volunteers for sharing their time, skills and effort and recognise the irreplaceable contribution they make to Vision Australia,” Mr Hooton said.

Vision Australia holds Mornings of Celebration across all regions it operates in, timing the events to coincide with National Volunteer Week, which runs from 11 to 17 May. The theme for National Volunteer Week 2015 is Give Happy, Live Happy and we want your help to make Australia the Happiest Place on earth.

“Research suggests volunteers are happier, healthier and sleep better – so there are plenty of benefits to volunteering beyond the good it can do in the community.”

“We can always use the help of more volunteers at Vision Australia. So no matter what skills you have or time you can commit, we can help you feel happier while making a meaningful contribution to people who are blind or have low vision,” Mr Hooton said.

More information on volunteering opportunities is available at http://www.visionaustralia.org/volunteer