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Nastasia thanks Vision Australia for the Youth Service Award. She is pictured with Vision Australia CEO Ron Hooton

On Thursday 23 January during a special site meeting in Enfield, Vision Australia presented Nastasia Campanella with the Youth Service Vision Australia Award, for outstanding service to the blindness and low vision community.

Nastasia was selected by Vision Australia’s board of directors for her dedication and commitment to following her dream to become a journalist.

Vision Australia’s CEO Ron Hooton introduced Nastasia and read the following citation, while board director Caroline Waldron presented her award.


Nastasia is an amazing young woman. She started losing her sight at six months, due to a rare due to a rare retinal abnormality which later lead to the complete loss of vision.

When she turned 18 she had already received a Prime Minister's Award, hosted her own community radio show and attained a Certificate III in Live Production, Theatre and Events.

She is now working as a journalist with the ABC and is a newsreader for Triple J, after studying journalism in at University Technology Sydney.

Nastasia is an inspiration to other young people who are blind or have low vision and proof that with determination and perseverance your dreams can become a reality.

Vision Australia’s General Manager Client Services and Accessible information Solutions, Michael Simpson, who was hosting the site meeting, took some time to reflect on Nastasia’s Further Education Bursary Award that was presented in 2007 to assist her with her studies in journalism.

“I remember being on the selection committee for the bursaries that year and Nastasia’s application really stood out. She was an exceptional candidate and it is pleasing to see how the specialist equipment she received was put to use. Congratulations Nastasia you are a truly deserving recipient of this award,” said Michael.

We thank Nastasia for her dedication and commitment and look forward to a continuing relationship with her.