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"We were shattered. We knew we had to come to terms with our baby being blind, but we didn’t know what to do or where to turn." Kirstie, mum of Mieah, 2, who was born blind. 
For first-time mum Kirstie, the birth of her beautiful baby girl was such an exciting event, that she didn't notice anything wrong.

"Being my first child I didn't notice Mieah wasn't doing things most other babies do. It was actually my parents, who thought something wasn't right. Her eyes would move around rapidly and she didn't focus on people or objects around her.”
Mieah was diagnosed with a rare eye condition called 'optic nerve hypoplasia'. Her optic nerve didn’t develop in the womb and as a result she was born completely blind.

When Kirstie was connected with Vision Australia, Mieah was having trouble crawling, as sighted children normally learn to crawl from seeing their environment.  
Vision Australia’s Occupational Therapist encouraged Mieah to crawl using different techniques, such as placing her in various positions. With the support Mieah received, there was no stopping her - she learnt to walk soon after - becoming the youngest person in the ACT to receive a white cane from Vision Australia.

Mieah is also a member of Vision Australia's children's library, called the Feelix Library. Developed with specific educational outcomes in mind, the books which are annotated with braille are an essential way to develop Mieah’s language and literacy skills. 

The work Vision Australia does with children who are blind or have low vision is designed to give them the intensive and ongoing support they need, so they won’t miss out on any of the experiences and opportunities sighted children have.
Children like Mieah deserve every chance to lead fulfilling and independent lives. Your donation today will give her – and thousands like her – access to the vital services she needs. 

Children like Mieah deserve every chance to lead fulfilling and independent lives. Your donation today will give her – and thousands like her – access to the vital services she needs.