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Janet Etchells and Fergie her Seeing Eye DogIn June 2013, Toowoomba resident Janet Etchells will embark on a ten day trek of the Great Wall of China to help raise vital funds and awareness for Vision Australia, the nation’s leading blindness and low vision service provider.

Born blind, Janet is no stranger to physical adventure, being a competitive swimmer and conquering Mount Kilamanjaro.

“I see this trek as being both a personal challenge and a way for me to say thank you to Vision Australia for their incredible support over recent years,” said Janet.

Vision Australia has assisted Janet with workplace modifications and, through their Seeing Eye Dogs Australia division, matched her with Seeing Eye Dog Fergie.

“Obviously, taking part in such a venture takes an awful lot of physical work – but I think I am up to it. The biggest challenge is going to be raising as much money as possible for Vision Australia, and to do that I need help from the local community.” 

Ms Etchells is interested to hear from anyone who may be able to assist her with sponsorship or help cover some of her costs. She can be contacted directly on 0404 784 835.

Alternatively, visit www.everydayhero.com.au/janet_etchells to donate. All donations are tax deductible.

“Please help me to give back to this wonderful cause. Your support is very much appreciated,” says Janet.

“The support of people like Janet is crucial to our ability to deliver services for our clients,” says Jan Chisholm, General Manager Fundraising Vision Australia.

“Income from our fundraising activity accounts for around 44% of Vision Australia’s total income. That is a huge amout of money that we have to raise every year. I want to say a big thank you to Janet for her commitment to this activity and encourage as many people as possible to get involved, whether they sponsor Janet or decide to take part in the trek themselves. Ms Chisholm added.

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