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Written by Vision Australia Recreation Development Worker, Ben Moxey.

It’s not every day that you find Seeing Eye Dogs and white canes at Sydney Motorsport Park. It’s also not every day that you find their owners in the driver’s seat, cruising around the race circuit without a care in the world.

This was exactly the scene at Sydney Motorsport Park on Sunday, 8 May at the third Angus Suttor Memorial Driving Day.

Angus was a well-known man around the Vision Australia Enfield office and within the Sydney low vision community. He was more than a keen cricketer, huge football fan and even bigger car fanatic. More than anything, Angus loved to drive. He travelled each year to attend the “In the Driver’s Seat” event in Victoria, and this was the highlight of his year.

Angus passed away four years ago at the age of 31. His sisters, Emma and Katelyn, teamed up with Vision Australia to bring the driving day to NSW in Angus’s memory.

“The driving day meant so much to Angus who couldn’t get his licence because of vision loss. Our family had to bring this day to NSW for Angus and to give others with vision loss the chance to do what most of us take for granted; drive a car,” said Emma.

For many, it was the first time behind the wheel and the biggest smile couldn’t be wiped off the face of Vision Australia client, Chris Richards. Chris lost his vision as a child due to a brain tumour.

“It was tough when all my mates were getting their licence”, said Chris. “This was unreal today! I never thought I’d be driving a car. I’m so confident now, I’m going to drive the Vision Australia bus back to Newcastle!”

Volunteers Ethan, Adelina and Eliza Holloway stand in front of a red car with Chris Richards

It was pretty exciting to be a passenger too with the American Motorcycle Club and nine hot rod owners donating their time to give a hot lap or 17. All at a responsible pace of course.

We would like to thank the Suttor family and their army of supporters who made this day possible. Also, the American Motorcycle Club, the hot rod owners, Chobani Yoghurts, On-road Driving School, Sydney Motorsport Park and the many Vision Australia volunteers who generously gave their time for the third year running.

We look forward to seeing everyone on the track again next year.

Details about the 2017 driving day will be provided in our monthly newsletter F.Y.I. Sign up to receive FYI