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Labor to change puppy laws if elected - News & Events - Intranet

Vision Australia was given the opportunity to meet with a Senior Labor MP today following their interest in our calls for the next Victorian Government to introduce specific legislation, like that which exists in Queensland (Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009), to ensure that appropriate protections exist for Seeing Eye Dog puppies in development.

The Dan Andrew's Labor Opposition announced it promises that puppies in development will no longer be turned away from cafes, restaurants and other businesses.

Labor MP Jaala Pulford, Labor Candidate for Bentleigh, Nick Staikos, and Labor Candidate for Ringwood, Tony Clark, will meet with Jan Chisholm, General Manager of Fundraising, Seeing Eye Dogs puppy officer, Kim Rulach, and a current Victorian puppy carer.

Under current Victorian law, trainee dogs can be turned away from establishments without reason. Labor will amend the Domestic Animals Act 1994 so trainee dogs have the same access as qualified Seeing Eye Dogs if elected in this month's State election.

In 2009, the Queensland Government introduced laws to protect puppies in development and recognise their right of access, with businesses refusing service or entry facing fines of up to $55,000.