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The Federal Budget released on Tuesday, 3 May, contains cuts of $1.4m p.a., funding that currently keeps community radio stations broadcasting on digital in 5 capital cities.

"If we don’t get those funds reinstated, community radio will get left behind on the AM/FM dial," says Vision Australia Radio Manager Conrad Browne. 

Tune in for the national day of action on Friday, June 3  across Melbourne community broadcasters, including Vision Australia Radio.

"This funding is essential to keep community radio on digital, which is vital to the future of the community radio sector! The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) is speaking up to let the Coalition and Labor know that, whoever wins government, it wants the funding for community radio stations across the country reinstated," he adds. 

Alongside a national campaign, we need to show Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten thousands of names on this petition to make our political leaders sit up and listen.

Sign the petition and show your support.

Vision Australia Radio is an important part of the blindness, print disability and low vision community. We’re a community because we’re connected and one of the many ways in which we’re connected is through community radio.

Around 350,000 people listen to Vision Australia Radio, including digital services, and is supported by more than 500 volunteers. 

Listen to an interview with Vision Australia Radio Manager, Conrad Browne.