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At the Annual Conference Dinner on Monday May 19 in Brisbane, of the Round Table on Information Access for People with a Print Disability, the 2014 Life Achievement Awards were presented. This year’s winners are Janet Reynolds and Bill Jolley.

Bill Jolley has spent over 30 years as a leader in the print accessibility movement in Australia. From 1981 to 1987 he managed the Braille Production unit at the Royal NSW Institute for Deaf and Blind Children at North Rocks in Sydney. He later led braille production and literacy programs in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. From Early 2001, he served for a time as Secretary General of the International DAISY Consortium which is the body which develops and promotes standards for the world-wide production of content in DAISY format. He continues his international contribution on the executive of the International Council on English Braille.

Bill Jolley is currently a member of Vision Australia’s Client Representative Council and Chairs the Client Advisory Committee which supports the work of Vision Australia’s Accessible Information Solutions.

Janet leads the Alternate Format Production unit of the New Zealand Blind Foundation. Prior to her 20 years with the Foundation she was a teacher specialising in mathematics. She found this useful preparation to what has been a major contribution to the production of mathematics in braille with the foundation.

Listen to Bill's informing and entertaining acceptance of The Life Achievement Award.