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An election for six new Senators for Western Australia has been announced. Saturday 5 April is election day.

Western Australians who are blind or have low vision will be eligible to cast a secret vote over the telephone from any location. To do this, voters must be enrolled to vote in Western Australia and registered for telephone voting.

First, check if your enrolment details are up to date by visiting www.aec.gov.au/check or calling 13 23 26. Enrolments close at 8pm Friday 7 March 2014.

Second, call to register for telephone voting.  Registration for telephone voting will start on Monday 17 March 2014.

For more information on telephone voting visit www.aec.gov.au/blv or call 13 23 26.
To ensure you don’t miss out on your chance to vote, check your enrolment details today.