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The secret to living to 100 is sensible eating, keeping active, everything in moderation and not going to sleep angry, according to Vision Australia client Helen Cavanagh.

Helen celebrated her 100th birthday at Vision Australia Geelong last week, where she is still an active member of the recreation program and with the support of Vision Australia services continues to live independently in her own home.
Helen with her daughters Jenny and Marg
Helen was diagnosed with age-related Macular Degeneration in 2000 and she started to receive services from Vision Australia in 2001.

Each week she attends the weekly recreation group, which meets on Wednesdays, and has done so for nine years. She is now legally blind.

Helen is an excellent example of someone who has been living independently in her own home and managing all of her affairs with Vision Australia’s support. She is also a great example of peer support in the group she attends weekly.

She keeps in contact with group members who have been absent or who are struggling with their vision loss.

Helen's actual birthday was on August 24.

Photo: Helen, centre, with her daughters Jenny and Marg