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Australian Network on Disability (AND) are a not-for-profit organisation that helps companies to welcome people with disability as employees, customers and suppliers.

AND are seeking assistance in connecting with people with disability who are willing to participate in a survey about their supermarket shopping preferences.

They are also interested in the perspectives of Carers or people that might assist a person with disability in supermarket shopping.

AND have begun a survey about the barriers experienced by people with disability in accessing supermarkets (both in shopping centres and online shopping).

The survey results will assist one of their member companies, a major supermarket chain, to identify areas of improvement that will assist people with disability and the people that assist them with their shopping.

As an incentive, participants who complete the survey and answer an additional simple question at the end - the four best answers will receive a $100 voucher from Westfield. Your name and email address is required is you wish to enter the competition.

The survey can be found on the Australian Network on Disability website (www.and.org.au) or from this link: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1361033/Supermarket-Survey
The survey closes 25th October with winners notified and announced on the AND website on 28th October.
See our policy on conducting surveys: http://www.and.org.au/pages/surveys.html
If you have any questions please contact Jason on (02) 8270 9210 or via email.