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Geoff Skinner

Geoff Skinner with his dog guide.

Thanks to support from Vision Australia's Advocacy team and Vision Australia client Geoff Skinner, the Queensland Parliament has introduced amendments to the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009 that will ensure equal access to residential and holiday accommodation.

In January 2010, Mr Skinner was refused an accommodation booking for a holiday rental on the Gold Coast in 2010 because he was accompanied by a dog guide He lodged a complaint to the Queensland Government under the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009.

Six months later he was advised by the department that privately owned rental properties were not covered by the Act.

Mr Skinner then contacted Vision Australia to seek assistance in bringing the matter to the attention of the Queensland Government.

Liz Jeffrey, Vision Australia's Advocacy Officer in Queensland secured a number of meetings with key people including the Minister for Disability Services, Mental Health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Curtis Pitt and the office of the Attorney-General Queensland. Mr Skinner also took his case to the Anti-Discrimination Commission in Queensland and expects to receive a decision from the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal shortly.

In a media statement issued by Minister Curtis Pitt last week he said. "Accommodation providers need to realise that discriminating against people with certified guide, hearing or assistance dogs is not on."

"Being able to access accommodation is a basic human right, and we're determined to protect that right for all Queenslanders.

"The amendments to the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009 make it an offence for a person in control of a place of accommodation to deny accommodation - including holiday accommodation - to a person with a disability because they are accompanied by their certified guide, hearing or assistance dog.

Mr Pitt paid tribute to Geoff Skinner from Atherton in Far North Queensland for his tireless campaign to have amendments introduced to this Act." "The amendments now before parliament for changes to the Guide, Hearing, and Assistance Dog Act 2009 are a tribute to his courage, commitment and perseverance."

Mr Pitt said the amendments build on the safeguards in the Act which currently allow people with a disability to be accompanied by their guide, hearing or assistance dog in public places.

"They're consistent with the United Nations Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities and promote equality of opportunity and access for people with a disability, helping to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability," he said.

Mr Pitt said any breach of the proposed amendments could attract harsh penalties.
"Property owners and managers who don't do the right thing and refuse people accommodation are liable for a penalty of up to $10,000 (for individuals) and $50,000 (for businesses)," he said.

For more information about the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009, contact the Disability Information Service - Phone 1800 177 120 (toll-free), TTY 1800 010 222 (toll-free) or go to www.communities.qld.gov.au/disability