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graeme innes headshotVision Australia congratulates Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes AM for his action in resigning from the Federal Government’s Accessible Airlines Working Group, citing a lack of preparedness by both government and airline operators to act on access for people with disability.

In an open letter to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Anthony Albanese, Innes says his main reason for tendering his resignation is that the group has achieved little of significance since its establishment three or four years ago.

Mr Innes cited two areas of particular concern: the ‘two wheelchair’ policy, where by some airlines refuse to carry more than two people using wheelchairs on the one flight; and the ‘chaotic’ and complex approval process for people wishing to travel on airlines with their assistance animals.

Vision Australia shares Mr Innes’ concern that so little has been achieved and calls for both government and airline operators to recognise the rights of people with disability to equality of access to air travel and expedite changes to policy and procedure to ensure this occurs. 

Earlier this month Mr Innes won a Federal Court case in which he alleged discrimination by RailCorp NSW  in its failure to provide audible announcements, a breach of Federal Disability Discrimination law. The court ruled that RailCorp’s failure to make adequate announcements represents indirect discrimination and Mr Innes was awarded $10,000 in compensation.

Mr Innes is a former director and chair of the Vision Australia Board. You can read more on this story from the ABC