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Speculation that the Federal Government will introduce a levy to help fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been reported through the media recently.

This follows the Prime Minister's confirmation of a $12 billion short-fall in the Government's revenue forecasts.

Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, has rejected the idea of a new tax.

However, if the Government does announce its intention to introduce a levy, the Coalition will be under pressure to specify how it will fund the NDIS which it has promised to establish.

Talking to ABC Radio National, Chris Richardson from delloitte Access Economics said that a 0.5% levy would provide around $3.2 billion annually. This would fund more than a third of the additional cost of the NDIS.

As a supporter of the Every Australian Counts campaign, Vision Australia’s consistent position has been that governments need to provide a guaranteed and adequate funding source to provide certainty to people with disability and their families and carers.