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Emmanuel walking with his cane“One day Emmanuel said to me, ‘I’m different to the other kids. I’m not normal like they are, I can’t see’.” Fardos, mother to Emmanuel, aged 8.

There are children like eight-year-old Emmanuel who can barely tell night from day or distinguish red from blue. Some feel like they are ‘not normal’ and are missing out.

Vision Australia urgently need’s to raise $1,224,000 to cover the costs of running the Children’s Services program’s in the coming year.

Emmanuel is blind in his left eye and only has limited light and colour perception in his right. His family have been involved with Vision Australia since he was as a baby.

His mother, Fardos, vividly remembers the shock of learning that their son had low vision.

“I was really worried about everything – how will he play with his toys, get around the house, make friends and just be able to go outside let alone go to school?

Fardos says that the one-on-one support Emmanuel has received has made a huge difference in her son’s life.

“They have taught Emmanuel everything he needs to know – he even rides a bike! Vision Australia is like his second family, and thanks to them he now says ‘I want to do it by myself, don’t help me’.”

Fardos is so grateful and she knows it is only possible thanks to so many generous Australians.

“Any donation, however small, is really appreciated, because without Vision Australia none of these kids could do anything.

Emmanuel has been saving money for an Xbox, but when he found out they were raising funds, he told me ‘I’m going to take the money I’ve saved I’m going to donate it to Vision Australia’. That’s how much they mean to him.

Only with gifts from caring supporters can we continue to provide services to thousands of children like Emmanuel. Gifts can be made securely online, or by calling 1800 42 20 77.