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As a self-confessed gym junkie, health and fitness have always been part of Alison Jones’ life. Despite losing her vision two years ago in a workplace accident she’s in the gym five times a week and competes in team sports.

“The gym is my release point. When I go to the gym everything goes out the window. I focus on something and I push myself. It helps to clear my head plus I get to tell myself ‘you’ve done good today’,” Alison advised.

Alison alternates between weight and aerobic workouts at the Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association, The Gym - an inclusive, accessible fitness and rehabilitation facility in Brisbane, her friends in the blindness and low vision community told her about

“I feel for the numbers on the weight plates or feel the plate size to work out how much I’m lifting. I also use the treadmill which has tactile markers on it so I can control the speed myself.

“The personal trainers and the other regular gym goers are willing to help out if you need a hand. It’s good to go a friendly environment where people are supportive,” Alison said.

Working out in the gym goes a long way to supporting Alison play the team sports she’s recently become involved in.

“I started playing Swish and goalball  after hearing about them from Vision Australia staff. Goalball is really competitive. One minute you’re up and the next you are down on the ground. You have to be fit to last ten minute halves.

“I enjoy both sports because they’re social and it’s great to do a good job with someone else. You also form a close connection to the people you play with.”

For the moment, Alison will see where her sporting activities take her. If she gets an opportunity to play at a higher level, then she’ll take it.

In the meantime, Alison has some advice for people looking to hit the gym or play sport.

“Go for it. Don’t hold back. I found it gives a lot of people independence and confidence in everyday life and it’s a great way to be social, keep fit and release any emotions. You have fun doing it. You can also see improvements within yourself,” Alison confirmed.