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Geoffrey you’ve been heard. The ministers who can help influence the direction of Vision Australia NSW library received Geoffrey’s appeal urging them to commit to funding. Politicians rely on your vote, and the more NSW voters tell them the library matters to them, the greater the chance they will fund this vital service. Please act now.  

Read Geffrey’s letter:

I am writing urgently to you with regard to the Vision Australian braille and talking book library. As a totally blind person who has been receiving books and newspapers through the Vision Australian Library for many years and depend on it totally for my access to books and papers, it has been brought to my attention, that since the introduction of the NDIS, governments have reduced their funding for the service that so many vision impaired people depend on.

Considering that public libraries for the general public are totally funded by governments, is it too much to ask that both Federal, State and local governments provide a free library service, to those of us who have only this service with facilities that allow us to access four per cent of what the general public without a print handicap can?

Geoff walking with his white can along his local beach

With an ageing population, with increasing vision impairment occurring, it would seem essential for those who can make use of a public library, to consider that they, or their nearest and dearest, which I sincerely hope is not necessary, to need the library service that Vision Australia is providing and, hopefully, will do so for the foreseeable future, to give us equal opportunity.

Will you make urgent representation to your colleagues to fund Vision Australian Library and ensure I can go on enjoying the pleasure that reading gives me and many others?