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In January 2010, Vision Australia client Geoff Skinner, from Atherton in Far North Queensland, was refused accommodation in a privately owned Gold Coast unit because he has a dog guide.

Now after three years of advocacy support from Vision Australia, Geoff’s fight to ensure Queenslander’s who have dog guides will not be discriminated against when booking accommodation is a step closer with the recent introduction of a Private Member’s Bill to State Parliament.

“I travel around Queensland several times each year and don’t want continued hassles when booking accommodation. I should be treated like everyone else and not refused accommodation because I have my dog Gadget, a nine year old Labrador,” Geoff said.

Mr Skinner lodged a complaint under the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dog Act (2009) GHADA was advised that due to a loophole in the Act, rental accommodation (whether under residential lease or holiday) is not covered, and dog guide users can be refused accommodation.

Vision Australia, Advocacy Advisor, Ms Liz Jeffrey has welcomed the move to close a loophole which has seen people living with vision and hearing impairments refused accommodation because of their assistance animals.

“This loophole was an unintended consequence when the Guide Dogs Act (Qld) 1972 was replaced by the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act (Qld) 2009 which inadvertently failed to include provisions for rental accommodation,” Ms Jeffrey said.

Geoff pursued a complaint through the Anti-Discrimination Commission in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and, in January 2013 was awarded $13,000 damages.

With Vision Australia’s assistance Mr Skinner lobbied the former Queensland Government to correct the loophole and restore rights that had been in the 1972 Act. Unfortunately, an election intervened before the amendments were progressed through Parliament.

“I have made several requests to the current Queensland Government Disability Minister, Tracy Davis but she refuses to act on the amendments,” says Geoff.

Shadow disability Services Minister, Desley Scott recently introduced a Private Member’s Bill to Sate Parliament to address the issue.

“I hope after review the committee adopts the amendments and measures in the Bill so the rights of users of dog guides are no longer overlooked. This will give us certainty and stop any humiliation when booking accommodation,” Geoff said.

Vision Australia provides advocacy on a range of issues to people living with blindness and low vision. Visit www:visionaustralia.org  or call 1300 847 466.

Geoff Skinner Media Release