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Picture of children climbing wall.There’s nothing noisier than having the kids at home on school holidays climbing the walls. So, what better way to solve that problem than to send the kids to climb walls with Vision Australia!

On the 15th April, 14 of Newcastle’s bravest travelled by train and foot to The Forum Sports and Aquatic Centre with a simple goal in mind…  To hit the roof!  Sounds easy enough, but when the roof is 18 metres up on a vertical wall with not much to hang onto, the challenge begins and all the kids were up for it! 

Of course, no school holiday event in Newcastle would be complete without first providing the group an opportunity to destroy each Vision Australia staff member individually on the swish table.  After that formality was out of the road, it was off to The Forum! 

Indoor wall climbing is a great, physical activity where no vision equals no problem.  In fact, many professional climbers will often practice technical climbs blindfolded to help sharpen their skills and abilities.

“The best thing about indoor wall climbing is that it’s active and really fun,” said Recreation Development Worker, Ben Moxey.  “You’re getting stronger and fitter, and you’re also improving your balance and agility, all while having a good time.  Perfect exercise and perfect for school holidays!”

Aside from scaling treacherous manmade walls, everybody had the opportunity to use their adaptive technology skills to research train routes and timetables, and then hit the pavement, white canes in hand, to practice orientation and mobility; essential for developing and maintaining independence. 

A big thank you to everyone who joined the Newcastle team on the day, and a huge thanks to The Forum Sports and Aquatic Centre for their on-going support and efforts to make their facilities as inclusive as possible. 

If you’d like more information on wall climbing, swish or any other recreational activity that floats your boat, please contact Ben Moxey on 02 4927 3322 or email [email protected]