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Dealing with the impacts of blindness and low vision is different for every individual, and for some it may mean affect their mental health and overall wellbeing.

With this in mind, our podcast series Don’t Eat the Whole Elephant uses the lived experiences of people who are blind or have low vision to explore the challenges vision loss can have on wellbeing and the strategies that can be used to overcome them.

Whether it’s simple steps to self-care or regaining your independence, each episode is a relaxed discussion between people who are blind or have low vision around mental health and wellbeing.

In episode two, Nicholas and Jane discuss how all types of exercise can positively impact wellbeing.

Jane shares her experience of joining running group Parkrun and how it has led to positive change in her life.

“It’s vastly improved my mental health which is one thing I never expected. I thought when I joined up that it was something that would make me fit and healthy … but I didn’t expect it to also make me feel mentally stronger. … It’s become an absolute lifeline,” Jane says.

“There’s a group of low vision and blind individuals that get together and we run with sighted guides,” she explains.

“I’ve made these incredible friends out of this group and I didn’t expect that. The community I’ve found is so generous and so kind I’m absolutely grateful that I’ve become a part of that.”

For Jane, the benefits of exercising have been diverse.

“By exercising more I’m actually sleeping better. It’s also made me want to eat better. Because I’m engaging in something that’s for my health and wellbeing I feel like I want to make the effort to eat better and that’s also going in a circle effecting how well I do when I run.”

While Jane loves running, she acknowledges that not everyone will enjoy it and says what’s important is each individual finding something they enjoy.

“I think it’s a matter of trying different things. So maybe this is something that’s not for everyone,” she says.

“It can be a small thing I think it’s just a matter of getting out and having a go at different things to learn what the kind of interest is for you.”

Listen to episode two of Don't Eat the Whole Elephant here, or on the player below: