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From July 2014, Western Australia will host national disability insurance scheme (NDIS) launch sites.

There will be three launch sites. One in the Perth Hills area will be administered by DisabilityCare Australia on the same basis as other launch sites around Australia.

Two others in the Lower South-West and Cockburn-Kwinana will be administered by the WA Disability Services Commission and operate as My Way pilots.

The three sites will be jointly funded by the Federal and State governments.

In all, around 8,400 West Australians with disability will benefit. The launch period will be two years, during which the sites will be evaluated.

The governance of DisabilityCare has been a key sticking point in negotiations between the Australian Government and the WA Government, with WA wanting increased local control. The testing of different models through the launch period will help inform future decisions about the long-term governance and design of the scheme.

Agreement has yet to be reached between the two governments on the full state-wide implementation of the scheme.