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Hailed as the nation’s most significant social reform since Medicare, DisabilityCare Australia, the national disability insurance scheme, was officially launched in select locations on July 1.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd launched DisabilityCare in Newcastle NSW, describing the scheme as a testament to Australia's sense of mateship and community.

Vision Australia client and DCA participant, Catherine Mahony said she is looking forward to having greater control over the supports she receives. 

"I’m really looking forward to people with disability just being able to play their role, live the life they want to live, in a way that’s not noticed as being amazing or inspiring, but just is what Australia is known for. How great would that be?” Catherine said.

DisabilityCare was also launched in Geelong with a celebration at City Hall. Speeches were made by Labor Minister Darren Cheeseman; Hon. Mary Wooldridge, Victorian Minister for Minister for Mental Health, Community Services, and Disability Services and Reform; City of Greater Geelong City Councillor Kylie Fisher; and Geelong Mayor Keith Fagg, detailing the journey to the launch of DCA in the Barwon region. 

“A parent of a teenager with cerebral palsy spoke about the challenges her family had faced as they struggled to get the equipment and supports that would enable their daughter to participate in society and how DCA would change their lives,” said Anne Johnson, Vision Australia Geelong Team Manager.

In an opinion piece for Ramp Up, Jenny Macklin, Minister for Disability Reform, celebrated the launch by saying,"today marks the beginning of a great journey towards a better life of dignity for people with disability across Australia."

To read the full article written by Minister Macklin, visit http://www.abc.net.au/rampup/articles/2013/07/01/3792012.htm