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Vision Australia’s Digital Access team offers a range of different training opportunities for individuals and organisations to assist in facilitating an accessible and inclusive digital community.

Due to the level of interest and numerous requests, Digital Access will be providing a new structure for Creating Accessible Documents training in 2019. This training will now be offered in three separate workshops, tailored to suit your education requirements.

Read on for a description of our public workshops and a calendar of dates for training opportunities from March to July 2019.

Creating Accessible Documents – Word and PDF

Teaching the fundamentals of creating accessible Microsoft Word and PDF documents and is suitable for anyone who uses Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. Due to the popularity of this workshop, we have expanded our public workshops to include Adelaide and Hobart this year.

Advanced Creating Accessible Documents – Microsoft Office

Focusing on teaching the skills needed to create accessible Word documents, Excel workbooks, PowerPoint presentations and Outlook emails, and is suitable for anyone using the Microsoft Office Suite.

Advanced Creating Accessible Documents – Adobe PDF

Assisting in ensuring PDF documents are accessible to everyone without the need for a source file, through learning advanced techniques for creating and remediating PDF documents.

Inclusive Design

Now available to everyone as a public training day, after successfully debuting last year as an in-house training offering. This course is aimed at providing digital and customer experience designers, UI Designers, visual designers and content producers gain an understanding of what a disability is and provide the knowledge, tools, and frameworks to design more inclusively.

Accessibility for Web Writers

Teaching how to make web content accessible, using simple tools to test content against WCAG 2.1 standards. This workshop is suitable for web writers, editors, publishers and content managers.

Writing for the Web

Focusing on creating useful, usable and accessible content that works well on mobile, tablet and desktop browsers; suitable for anyone writing content for their organisation’s website or intranet. Web Accessibility Techniques and Testing is renowned for its comprehensive approach to technical accessibility and inclusive design and this highly popular course will benefit anyone involved in the design, development or maintenance of websites. We are expanding our public workshops to Adelaide and Perth this year.

Web Accessibility Techniques and Testing

This renowned and highly popular workshop has a comprehensive approach to technical accessibility and inclusive design which will benefit anyone involved in the design, development or maintenance of websites. We are expanding our public workshops to Adelaide and Perth this year.






Interested in the full suite of services offered by our Digital Access team? Find out more here or contact them directly via [email protected] or 1300 367 055.