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Dawson, knows only too well what it’s like to be a young person with vision impairment and to feel isolated. Diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease at just 15 years old, Dawson was blind within just five years.
Photo of Dawson walking along a footpath using his cane“I lost all independence and felt my life had little meaning. I spent what should have been the best time of my life at home, alone, trying to pass the time. I’d lie awake in bed each night wishing the next morning wouldn't come, as I couldn't face another pathetic day.”

The fact is that only 5% of all printed material is accessible to someone who is blind or has low vision.

Vision Australia works  to close this information gap. Our innovative and national library service provides everything from newspapers and the latest bestselling books and magazines to bus timetables and stock market reports.

Thankfully, Dawson got in contact with Vision Australia. With access to our Library, he has turned his life around. He returned to school and continued on to complete his Masters of Business.

And importantly, Dawson can now access his favourite magazine, ‘Wheels’, putting him back in touch with his lifelong passion for cars.

“Now, I know what my friends are talking about because I can read the same articles as them. I can form my opinion and join in on a conversation with other people about the latest cars.”

Thanks to you, our generous supporters, Vision Australia can continue to bring a world of information to the fingertips of  Dawson and other’s who are blind or have low vision.