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Occupational Therapist Nicole Murray implemented a cooking program for the Vision Australia centre in Shepparton that ran in September/October 2013. The program aimed to increase clients' confidence in the kitchen, and to teach safe cooking techniques that they can use in their own kitchens.

Clients participated in a pre-evaluation session to allow Nicole to understand better what the clients are currently doing in the kitchen, what issues they have, and what they hope to get out of the program. 

The program ran for five weeks and included making meals that required chopping, measuring, using the oven, the stovetop, and the microwave, simmering, using adaptive technology, and learning about food safety.

When asked for feedback, 100% of clients stated that their overall confidence in the kitchen had increased and 100% also said their chopping skills had improved. One client's chopping skills increased from a one to a six, which was the maximum on the scale provided.

100% of clients felt they were more confident in using the stove top, oven and microwave - one in particular suggesting the bump dots had had a positive effect on his oven use - while 100% stated they felt more confident shopping at a supermarket.

However 50% still said they wouldn't shop alone, despite their awareness of the supermarket assistance program.

Clients' comments about the program were all very positive. Some said their cutting had improved and they'd gained more confidence, others that they enjoyed the company of the group, and learned about contrast in meal preparation. "I feel I can tackle more in the kitchen now," said one client, "and I am now more confident trying new things."

Additionally, several clients had suggestions for improving the program, including a request for the recipes of the meals they cooked, a plea for the program to run again next year, and an order that they cook scones next time.