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In line with its election promise, the Abbott Government has established a Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS.

The Parliamentary Committee will review the implementation, administration and expenditure of the NDIS, and provide a forum where design and implementation issues can be explored in a bipartisan manner.

Mal Brough, the Liberal Member for Fisher QLD, and a former FaHCSIA Minister will chair the Committee.

Other members include:

  • David Gillespie, National Member for Lyne, NSW
  • Jill Hall, ALP Member for Shortland, NSW
  • Jenny Macklin, ALP Member for Jagajaga, Vic
  • Bridget McKenzie, National Senator, Vic
  • Amanda Rishworth, ALP Member for Kingston, SA
  • Wyatt Roy, Liberal Member for Longman, Qld
  • Zed Seselja, Liberal Senator, ACT
  • Rachel Siewert, Greens Senator, WA
  • Dean Smith, Liberal Senator, WA
  • Ursula Stephens, ALP Senator, NSW
  • Anne Urquhart, ALP Senator, Tas

The Committee is required to provide an annual report to Parliament.