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Calendar artist Clara AlexandraWhen Cairns resident Clara Alexandra (Kersing) painted a picture of flowers as a Mother’s Day gift for her mum in Victoria, she never imagined the picture would be shared with people throughout Australia.

“I am thrilled my picture has been chosen for inclusion in the 2014 Vision Australia calendar. I see things blurred and fuzzy and that is what I draw.”

“I always did craft, especially needlework, but as my eye sight started to deteriorate I looked for another interest. There was an art class advertised at the Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre so I want along and have been painting ever since.”

“I enjoy creating, time flies and I lose myself”, said Clara, who has keratoconus and is legally blind. “I’m lucky in some ways that I lost my sight slowly so although my artwork comes from my imagination I know what things looks like.”

Clara has been associated with Vision Australia for several years and appreciates the services provided especially the talking books.

“I heard about the calendar competition and entered. It was a real buzz to have my picture chosen to be included.”

Clara's artwork, a bunch of flowers“It shows me I can be part of the community and contribute despite my vision loss. It reminds me I’m just as good as everyone else although I have to try harder.”

 “It is lovely to be able to give something back to Vision Australia after all the support they have given me,” said Clara.

Clara’s chalk pastels on paper artwork entitled “Mother’s Day’ and the work of 11 other artists, who are blind or have low vision, will be showcased in the 2014 Vision Australia calendar.

This unique calendar, together with an array of Christmas gifts and cards, is available to order by calling 1300 847 466, visiting www.visionaustralia.org/shop or at Vision Australia centres around Australia.

All proceeds go towards supporting thousands of children and adults who are blind or have low vision.

Clara Alexandra Media Release