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“As a parent you’d do anything for your children. Joe and I want to give Domenic the best possible start in life.” Jacqui, mum to 16-month-old Domenic.

Domenic reads a bookJacqui and Joe are the very proud parents of 16-month-old twins – Chiara and Domenic. 

“When I was 17 weeks pregnant they found a cyst on Domenic’s brain, which disappeared at 30 weeks. Scans showed his brain has developed normally so far, but as a parent you worry.

We noticed in the first few days after he was born that his eyes constantly moved very rapidly from side to side.

We began seeing a paediatrician, paediatric neurologist and an ophthalmologist. He was diagnosed with Ocular Motor Apraxia, a rare condition, which means he lacks the ability to control his eye movements.”

As you can imagine the entire family was affected. 

“It was tough. We had so many hospital visits for scans and doctors’ appointments plus meeting with other specialists. We couldn’t have done it without our families, friends and Vision Australia.”

From when Domenic was born, early childhood teacher Tricia has been assisting the family with his development. Domenic just see’s it as playing, but we work with the family demonstrating how through specific exercises, games and toys he can develop skills and abilities. 

Children actually develop balance, posture, strength, and cognitive and physical abilities through play. Sighted children do this without thinking – they see something and reach out to grab it. 

Jacqui and Joe are hopeful that Domenic is going to achieve his milestones, maybe a bit more slowly and possibly in a slightly different way. As Jacqui said:

“Vision Australia is fantastic! I don’t think Domenic would be where he is today without their support. They have helped us so much with his development.” 

Through your kind donation, Vision Australia will be able to help more babies like Domenic and their families. Your gift can be made securely online, or by calling 1800 42 20 77. Thank you.