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Is there a problem or challenge that you or somebody you know encounters on a regular basis?

If so this could be your chance to help find a solution.

Vision Australia is partnering with TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers), a global movement where people with disability and ‘Makers’ work together to develop open source assistive technology that addresses everyday challenges.

In a 72 hour make-a-thon, TOM will bring together engineers, designers, developers and makers to create prototypes of products that help people with disability overcome a problem they have faced. 

A light bulb inside a thought bubble
This year, Vision Australia will be submitting a number of potential projects to the TOM make-a-thon team that are relevant to people who are blind or have low vision.

To help us decide on what projects to put forward, we are calling for suggestions from our community. By adding a challenge or problem you have experienced to our brainstorm, it could be chosen as part of our submission!

Here’s how to get involved:

  1. Go to Participate Vision Australia and register or login.
  2. Add your suggestions to our brainstorm by Friday 1st September, 2017.

We look forward to hearing from you.