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Telelink clients have had a taste of the great Australian outdoors and how to incorporate that into their day-to-day cooking thanks to bush tucker man Vic Cherikoff.

Vic is regarded as one of Australia’s foremost experts in Australian wild foods.

He has hosted his own TV show, Dining Downunder, retails a range of indigenous foods, spices and health products under his Australian Functional Ingredients brand and has a range of cookbooks and handbooks on how to find the best bush tucker for yourself.

Vic joined the All About Food Telelink group, hosted by volunteer facilitator Tony Broun, for a discussion about his passion for bush food.

Vic told the group that in a previous scientific career, he discovered that Kakadu plums, a fruit native to Arnhem Land, is the richest food source of Vitamin C.

He also spoke about the health benefits of bush foods, recounting a time when he spent several days in the bush living on sugarbag honey, a honey produced by a variety of native bees.

“Over three days I noticed that my hearing had improved. My hearing was a lot sharper,” he said.

Vic says he hopes an audio version of his latest book, Wild Foods, will be available in coming months.

Telelink is a telephone-based service in which groups of up to 10 blind or low vision participants and a volunteer facilitator chat via a conference call about a shared interest.

The groups cover a vast range of hobbies and interests – from sports, cooking to politics and languages to crossword puzzles and trivia.

For details about Telelink, phone 1300 84 74 66.