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Studying at university has been a long-time goal for Sally Aurisch, but the Long Jetty resident is looking forward more than ever to her Bachelor of Social Science after receiving a Vision Australia Further Education Bursary.

Sally is classed as legally blind after being born with a rare eye condition called Peters’ Anomaly, a degenerative condition that impacts a person sight by increasing the opacity of the cornea.

Thanks to the Vision Australia bursary, Sally has recently received numerous items of assistive technology that will support her as she undertakes her degree by correspondence at the University of New England.

“For me university has always been something I wanted to do, but after I finished school I went in to work and did some other things, but now I’m really looking forward to starting,” Sally said.

“To be honest I probably wouldn’t be able to do it without the assistance I’ve received through the bursary program. It’s given me everything I need to set up a perfect environment to study.

Among the assistive technology provided to Sally is a laptop with Zoomtext magnification software, a PEARL Camera and scanning and reading software OpenBook and Microsoft Office.

“I think the PEARL Camera is the thing that will help me the most, it means I scan something and then it will be read out to me.

“It means I can access any information whenever I want, I don’t have to wait for it to be transcribed or try to find it on my computer.”

Sally has previously completed a Diploma of Community Welfare and currently works as a planner at the National Disability Insurance Agency and believes the Bachelor of Social Science will help her advance her career opportunities.

“I really enjoy working as a planner and I think this degree will help me with that, but I also think it’s a great way to broaden my horizons.

“My ultimate goal is to work in an area like policy development and I think a degree like this is sort of the missing link to help me reach that goal.”   

This is the 21st year Vision Australia has been providing bursaries to people with vision impairment who are undertaking further education. To date, more than 320 students have been supported by Vision Australia through a bursary.

The bursary allows students to access assistive technology such as specialist computer software and braille displays, helping students like Sally study alongside their sighted peers.

Vision Australia is a leading national provider of blindness and low vision services in Australia. We work in partnership with Australians who are blind or have low vision to help them live the life they choose.