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Oden and Zander Goudie can’t wait to get amongst the fun and the sweet treats at the Vision Australia Easter Egg Hunt at the Bendigo Easter Festival on Good Friday.

They already have tickets – and you can get yours now before they sell out, and support Vision Australia’s work to enable people with blindness and low vision to live the lives they choose.

Oden, 4, and Zander, 3, of Jackass Flat, are two of those people. Both boys are legally blind, and mum Carina Goudie says Vision Australia has helped the boys every step of the way.

Among his eye conditions, Oden has severe photophobia – he’s highly sensitive to light. He wears special red-tinted glasses to allow him see more comfortably in daylight, and is learning to use a long white cane. Both were supplied by Vision Australia.

Vision Australia is helping him transition to kinder at Neangar Pre-School, where Vision Australia has taught the children about Oden’s eye conditions, cane and glasses and eased him into classroom life. Zander will get the same support next year when he starts kinder.

“Vision Australia has done a lot of work. Carlia Rix (the boys’ occupational therapist) has gone above and beyond just to make sure we get what we need for the boys and to make their lives easier,” Carina said.

“Oden is going to kinder this year. He’ll be transitioning to school next year and Zander will transition to kinder. Vision Australia’s help puts them at ease. They know they can say hello to Carlia when she comes to kinder, and that she’s there for them. Vision Australia has supported us when times were hard so we could focus on enjoying raising our kids.”

Oden and Zander will enjoy their first Easter egg hunt this year.

Vision Australia regional manager Megan McDonald says the hunt is a much-loved tradition at the festival but it’s also one of Vision Australia’s major fundraisers.

“The Vision Australia Easter egg hunt is a real community favourite but it also helps us to provide vital services for people who are blind or have low vision. So, please come out and have fun at the Easter egg hunt and support our work at the same time,” Megan says.

Thousands of kids will hunt for more than 85,000 Cadbury mini Easter eggs on the day in age groups ranging from three and under right through to 13 to 17.

Tickets are available through Vision Australia at 20 Bridge Street, Bendigo, at the Bendigo visitor information centre in Pall Mall and online at the Bendigo Tourism website here