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People with disability now have access to important information about air travel to help them have a smoother and more pleasurable flight experience.

Believed to be the first of its kind in Australia, the 16-page 'Prepare for take-off - Air Travel Tips for people with disability' was launched today at Perth Airport's International Terminal by Disability Services Minister Helen Morton.

"The information contained in the booklet was compiled from the real-life experiences of air travellers with disability, their families, friends, travelling companions and carers," Mrs Morton said.

The Minister said the booklet contained information encouraging travellers to do their homework before making bookings; what travellers need to tell the airline; travelling with medication; travelling with mobility aids; security screening; check in; and getting on and off the plane.

"The booklet also assists potential travellers by identifying the various procedures of airports and airline staff that they are likely to encounter," she said.

Mrs Morton said access to good information made a big difference when planning flights and navigating airports and airlines.

"Like everyone else, people with disability want to enjoy their journey by air," she said.

"The new guide provides information and advice that will allow people to be better informed and have more control of their air travel experience."

The booklet was produced jointly by the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability (MACD), the Disability Services Commission and People With Disabilities (WA) Inc.

To read the publication go to http://www.disability.wa.gov.au