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The 2018 Victorian State election will be held on Saturday 24 November. Voting will take place between the hours of 8.00 am and 6.00 pm.

Enrolling and voting in this election is compulsory for all Australian citizens over the age of 18.


You can enrol or update your details online at vec.vic.gov.au You will need to provide some form of identification when enrolling online, which may include:

  • an Australian Passport
  • an Australian driver licence (if applicable)
  • a declaration by a person on the roll confirming your identity.

You can also enrol or update your details on a paper form, which you can get:

  • at any post office or Australian Electoral Commission office
  • by calling us on 131 832
  • by visiting our office at Level 11, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne
  • by downloading an enrolment form from the website.

Completed enrolment forms can be returned by post to the Victorian Electoral Commission, Reply Paid 66506, Melbourne VIC 8001 (no stamp is required).

All new enrolments and updates must be received by the close of roll at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 6 November 2018 (Melbourne Cup Day).

If you are unable to get to a voting centre due to serious illness or infirmity, you can apply to register as a General Postal Voter. As a General Postal Voter, you will automatically receive a postal ballot pack for every election. The General Postal Voter Registration Form is available from the website. You can also call us to request a General Postal Voter registration form on 131 832 – it must be completed and returned before the close of roll at 8.00pm on Tuesday 6 November 2018.

Thinking of standing as a candidate?

If you are considering standing as an independent candidate in this year’s State election, please visit vec.vic.gov.au for information on nominating and new funding and disclosure laws, or call us on 131 832.

Voting Options

Detailed information on all voting options will be sent to you in the first week of November. In the interim, we would like to advise you of options specifically available to you.

Braille Ballot Papers

You can register to have braille ballot material sent to you. Registration for braille ballot papers can be made by calling us on (03) 8620 1122 from 3 September to 31 October. Braille ballot papers will be provided the week commencing Monday 12 November (after nominations have closed).

Large print ballot papers cannot be provided due to production timeline constraints.

Telephone-Assisted Voting

If you are unable to vote without assistance, you can register and vote by telephone between Monday 12 November to Friday 23 November. Further detail about this option will be provided in early November.

Travelling Interstate or Overseas?

If you will be away for all, or part, of the election period (12-24 November inclusive), a number of options will be available including early voting, postal voting, telephone assisted voting, voting interstate or overseas, or emailed ballot papers. Further information on these options will be provided in the next mailout in early November.

Voting is not compulsory if you are interstate or overseas on election day, Saturday 24 November.

Other Service Initiatives


VoterAlert is a free SMS/email notification service, which provides you with important electoral updates and voting reminders at election time. You can sign up for alerts by updating your enrolment details online at vec.vic.gov.au

Voters Voice

Voters Voice is a free app designed to assist voters with complex communication difficulties to participate in Victorian elections; specifically voting in person at a voting centre. The central feature of the app is an electronic communication board for voters without speech, with pre-prepared responses for use in a voting centre and the ability to ask/respond to questions.

The app is also of use for voters with literacy or English language difficulties, or those who speak Auslan. Election information is provided in five formats: Easy English, plain English, audio, video and Auslan. The app includes text-to-voice software customised for use with election terms.

The app also includes a map-based Voting Centre Locator based on the enrolled address entered into the app, via a street address, or the location of the device on which the app is downloaded. The app is available in the Apple iTunes and Google Play stores now.

Hearing loops

Hearing loops will be available in early voting centres across the State for voters with a hearing impairment.

Magnifying sheets

Magnifying sheets are available in every voting centre. Please ask election staff if you would like to use one.

Can someone help me at a voting centre?

Yes. You can have a family member, carer/support person, friend or anyone else you nominate, including a scrutineer assist you to complete your ballot papers in any voting centre if you wish. If you require assistance and don’t have anyone with you, you can ask election staff to help you. Anyone assisting you to vote must follow your voting directions.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to call us on 131 832, Monday to Friday between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm.