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6 tips to upgrade your vision 

Low light, small fonts and camouflaging colours can stress out your eyes — and this becomes more pronounced as eyesight shifts over time. When you notice a change in your vision or are feeling the strain, the answer could be as simple as getting a little ‘tech support’ for your eyes.  

There are plenty of simple home hacks and technology that reduce eye strain. The simplest solution is often to make things in and around your home bigger, bolder, and brighter.  

If you’ve ever lifted your glasses to take a closer look (or squint) at a restaurant menu, fumbled to find the right button on the tv remote or feel less confident in dim lighting, this article is for you. Let’s take a look at some of the easiest solutions for amplifying your every day.

A young boy and his grandmother sit together to read a children’s book together. They both hold an LED magnifier over the words to read the book easily.

1: Increase font sizes on everything you read 

We like big fonts and we can not lie! This is because small text can create big challenges for your eyesight. Increasing font size is a fast way to reduce eye strain and tiredness, so you never miss a word from breaking news to bedtime stories.

Our favourite tips for increasing font sizes include:

  • Adjust the settings on your devices to increase the font size until it’s comfortable for your eyes.
  • Use a handheld magnifier with an LED light for bedtime reading.
  • Use your smartphone torch to highlight menus at mood-lit restaurants, or to make fonts both bigger and brighter, attach an LED magnifier to your keys for when you’re out and about.
  • Device fonts can be enlarged but often keyboards can’t. If typing is slowing you down, try a portable mini-keyboard with larger keys.

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Three people stand cheering behind the rails at a local football game, dressed in their AFL team colours. One man wearing an AFL hat is watching the game through a pair of binoculars.

2: Bring the action closer 

You don’t go to the footy to watch the tv. But when the action is fast and the noise is loud, it’s easy to lose track of what’s happening on the field. To get closer to the action, you need to go bigger with a pair of pocket-sized binoculars. This will give you a clearer view of every game, so you don’t miss a bounce (maybe someone should tell the umpires?).

3: Shine a light on life’s joys

Poor or inconsistent lighting can mess with your eyes, especially when you’re trying to focus on work or a much-loved hobby such as crafting or writing. Daylight is the perfect solution, but when that isn’t an option, it’s time to fake it (while you make it).  

  • Leave some lights or lamps on during the day to help with consistency as it gets darker in the evening.
  • Try to avoid too much harsh, artificial lighting and opt for daylight lamps to keep consistent lighting throughout your home or a portable lamp when sitting down to focus on a task.
  • For close-up work such as sewing or painting, a magnifying lamp will make everything bigger and brighter (two birds, one stone!)
  • Cover reflective surfaces where possible to reduce glare. Anti-glare screen protectors are also available for most smartphone and tablet devices.
  • Use nightlights or under-the-counter lighting to keep bathrooms lit at night and reduce the risk of injury.  

It’s a good idea to experiment with the right kind of lighting conditions to suit you, as not everyone will benefit from everything being brighter.

4: Choose colours that ‘pop’ 

Bold, contrasting colours can make a statement - but they also create clarity and make daily tasks easier. This is because a pop of colour or contrast can prevent household items having a camouflage effect that can make them appear hidden in plain sight.
Some of our favourite tips for going bold in your home include:

  • If your bathroom walls are white, choose dark or brightly coloured towels to create contrast.
  • Choose a high contrast theme for your computer and web browsers to improve visibility (here are instructions for Microsoft and instructions for Apple systems).
  • Switch to black measuring cups to see white ingredients like flour, sugar and sugar.
  • Instead of using matching sets in the kitchen, choose different containers or colour code ingredients with different lids, especially for commonly confused items like sugar and salt.
  • Serve food on white plates to make your meal easier to see (you might also prefer a red-contrasting placemat to a white tablecloth).
  • Don’t give up sports that you love, try changing the colour of the ball such as opting for a black tennis ball to improve your game.

For more information about the role of contrast in supporting your vision, read Colours That Pop and Unlock: The Benefits of Contrast

5: See yourself in a new light

Squinting and bathroom lighting can really dim your confidence when applying skincare and makeup. From applying your daily SPF to perfecting a beauty routine, a well-lit bathroom or illuminated and magnified makeup mirror will make getting ready easier.

6: Change your viewfinder

No one wants to relive memories through blurry smartphone photos. Zooming in on an image makes it easier to see, but reduces the quality of the shot. To capture with clarity you need to expand your viewfinder, not the view.  

To capture life’s big moments more easily, there are magnifiers that include a camera option, like the Zoomax Luna 6. As well as helping you read on the go, it holds up to 400 images, so you’re always ready for your close up.   

If glare, not size, is an issue, try our lighting tips or adding an anti-glare screen protector to your smartphone or tablet to improve visibility.

Get tech support for your eyes

For more ideas on living a bigger, bolder and brighter life, check out the Vision Store. It’s like tech support for your eyes, with everyday products that reduce the strain and make sure you don’t miss a beat.

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