19 Apr 2023
This week the host becomes the guest as Sam chats with Stella Glorie about his recent experiences at the 2023 Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix.
19 Apr 2023
Since 2015, Vision Australia’s Career Start program has been helping graduates living with blindness or low vision build their skills, develop their professional network and find meaningful employment. For Oscar, the 2022 program presented an opportunity to gain valuable work experience, and to learn about the resources available to him as a professional with low vision.
19 Apr 2023
April 23 is World Book and Copyright Day, a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. This year, find out how the Vision Australia Library has helped Coral Arnold enjoy books for nearly 70 years!
18 Apr 2023
Talking Vision is Vision Australia Radio’s flagship program, discussing the latest news and issues from a blindness and low vision perspective.

For this week’s show we bring you the second part of a two-part series featuring participants in the upcoming Last Seen exhibition, taking place from 18 to 29 April in Brisbane.
18 Apr 2023
Meet the team of product experts at Vision Store, Vision Australia - Occupational Therapist Alexandra (Alex) Lonsdale
17 Apr 2023
Vision Australia’s Career Start program was created to equip blind and low vision graduates with skills and experience for the workforce. Part of the 2022 Career Start cohort, Kristen graduated with a Bachelor’s in Social Work, but struggled to break into the field.
14 Apr 2023
In 2017, Gift was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa. Since then, his vision has deteriorated significantly.
14 Apr 2023
Graduates who are blind or have low vision have the opportunity to kickstart their careers thanks to Vision Australia’s Career Start program.
14 Apr 2023
The 2024 Vision Australia Calendar artwork competition is now open for all artists who are blind or have low vision.
12 Apr 2023
Living with blindness or low vision doesn’t have to be a barrier to people living independently at home.  

While there can be some challenges, there are a number of strategies and techniques that can help make the home accessible and safe.