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Recent changes to scooter regulations in South Australia have sparked significant discussion and concern, particularly among advocacy groups for those who are blind or have low vision.

The new rules permit scooter riders to use footpaths, a move that has prompted Vision Australia to voice its worries about the implications for members of our community.

Footpath Access for Scooters

The South Australian government’s decision to allow scooters on footpaths is part of a broader trend towards accommodating micro-mobility solutions. These changes are intended to promote sustainable transportation options and ease traffic congestion.

Vision Australia's Stance

We have been vocal about the potential risks that these regulatory changes pose to our clients. We emphasise that safe mobility is of the utmost importance for people who are blind or have low vision. The presence of scooters on footpaths can create hazardous conditions, increasing the risk of collisions and injuries.

Bruce Maguire, Lead Policy Advisor at Vision Australia has stated that 90% of blind and low vision pedestrians now feel less safe when walking due to e-rideables.

The Path Forward

Vision Australia is not only raising concerns but also taking proactive steps to mitigate the risks. We are working closely with government officials and scooter companies to develop solutions that balance the benefits of micro-mobility with the safety needs of blind and low vision pedestrians. This collaboration aims to create regulations and practices that ensure the safety of all footpath users.

As cities continue to embrace micro-mobility solutions, it is crucial that the rights and safety of our clients are not overlooked and always considered.