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Making a complaint about a disability worker might feel uncomfortable but it is vital in protecting others from harm, according to Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner Dan Stubbs.

Speaking to Vision Australia Radio’s Talking Vision, the Commissioner, who is also blind himself said a complaint begins a process of checks and balances that helps protect the sector as a whole.

“If you complain about a worker, you're not just doing that for yourself,” he said.

“You're doing that for a whole lot of other people with disabilities who might rely on that worker for similar work.”

Complaints can be reports of serious criminal behaviour like assault and sexual abuse, or preventing you from making a choice.

“It might come in the form of someone yelling at you or physically treating you in a bad way or not, or maybe denying you choice in certain aspects of your life,” Dan said.

Complaints may be made anonymously.

Listen to the full interview in the player below:

How to make a complaint in your state or territory:


NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) for complaints related to an NDIS worker.

Phone: 1800 035 544, Mon to Fri

Online form: NDIS complaint contact form


Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner

Phone: 1800 497 132 Monday to Friday.  

Online: Submit an online complaint



NSW Ombudsman

Phone: 1800 451 524

Online: Submit a complaint


South Australia:

Health and Community Services Complaints Commission

Online: Submit a complaint


Northern Territory:

Health and Community Services Complaints Commission

Phone: 1800 004 474

Online: Submit a complaint online


ACT Human Rights Commission

Phone: (02) 6205 2222

Online: Submit a complaint online


Western Australia:

Health and Disability Services Complaints Office

Phone: (08) 6551 7600 or 1800 813 583

Online: Submit a complaint



Tasmanian Ombudsman

Phone: 1800 001 170

Online: Submit a complaint