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Caught the tennis buzz after another Australia Open and summer of tennis?

Well you’re in luck, with the Vision Store now selling audible tennis balls so you can get on the court!

The balls, from Japan’s Shoei Industry Co Ltd, are the official balls used by the International Blind Tennis Association and feature a number of modifications compared to ball used in sighted tennis.

Each ball is handmade and is both softer and larger than sighted tennis balls.

There is a small plastic ball inserted in each tennis ball, which is filled with ball bearings to make the ball audible.

The balls are also available in either yellow or black to allow for contrast against different court surfaces and to suit different eye conditions.

"A yellow and a black audible tennis ball"
Caption: Audible tennis balls are the latest accessible sports equipment from the Vision Store. 

Head to the Vision Store webpage now to buy your audible tennis balls and start perfecting your game! Balls can also be purchased over the phone by calling 1300 84 74 66.

Audible tennis balls are also approved to be purchased by using consumables funding in your NDIS package.

Audible tennis balls aren't the only way the sport of blind tennis accommodates players, with it featuring different rules and modifications to racquets and courts.

You can find out more about the sport from Blind Sports Australia or read about how the sport made its grand slam debut at the 2023 Australian Open

Tennis not your game? Check out the range of other accessible balls available from the Vision Store.