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Every day, our Allied Health Assistant Simone steps into the life of a Vision Australia client and experiences their world first-hand. It’s a process that helps her find the best specialist technology and equipment to meet client needs and bring freedom, mobility, independence and entertainment.

‘I’ve been working with Vision Australia for almost five years now,’ said Simone. ‘My work covers everything from assistive technology and orthoptics to mobility and accessibility.’

Allied Health Assistant Simone
Allied Health Assistant Simone

Simone shows clients how to take advantage of state-of-the-art technology and equipment, helping with mobile phones, adapting kitchen appliances, assisting with library apps or delivering orientation and mobility training.

‘It's so rewarding when clients think they can't do something anymore because of their vision loss, then discover they can through the use of equipment or technology. I love making a difference. I am so grateful to our supporters, who help me to help others!’

Thank you – your support an extraordinary difference to people who are blind or have low vision.