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The determination and bravery of Alice really captured hearts, and thanks to the kindness of people like you, she continues to amaze everyone around her.

It’s incredible to think that Alice’s parents, Skye and Luke, were told she might never walk or talk. Born with part of her brain missing and diagnosed with nystagmus – involuntary movement of the eyes, and a cortical vision impairment which jumbles the messages between her eyes and brain, doctors couldn’t tell Skye and Luke exactly how Alice would see her world. 

Today aged five, Alice continues to defy expectations and achieve great things. She has already kicked all the goals her parents were told she wasn’t going to achieve!

Amazing Alice, pictured with her family and siblings
Amazing Alice, pictured with her family and siblings

The tailored early intervention support Alice received from us made this possible thanks to the support of people like you.

Skye is so incredibly proud of her little girl, and so grateful to you for your generosity. 

As she prepares for primary school, we can’t wait to see what’s next for Alice.