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What is Support at Home?

Support at Home is the new aged care program that will be implemented 1 July 2025, merging together and replacing the current programs including:

  • Home Care Package program;
  • Commonwealth Home Support program (CHSP);
  • Short Term Restorative Care program; and
  • Residential respite programs.

The government has a summary document is available that compares the current in-home aged care programs with the proposed Support at Home program.

Why the change?

The final report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety made a number of recommendations to improve the care of older Australians. Support at Home is one way the government is actioning the recommendations.

What will change?

Some older Australians may not even know what funding stream is used to access services. Once Support at Home is implemented, it will be clearer what supports are available and how to access them easily. This is because Support at Home is planned to include:

  • greater choice, flexibility and transparency;
  • greater clarity of services, improved safety and quality of care;
  • individualised support plans, based on assessed aged care needs and personal circumstances;
  • a single assessment process and assessment team and an integrated assessment tool to replace the National Screening and Assessment Form;
  • better matching of services to a person's support needs; and
  • easier access to goods, equipment, assistive technologies and home modifications.

How to get involved?

During 2022 there will be a number of consultations with older Australians who receive government-funded aged care, their families, carers and relevant stakeholders. If you’re interested in taking part and giving feedback on the program’s design, sign up here.

Vision Australia’s role

Vision Australia receives significant funding to provide our specialised services and recreation programs through the existing CHSP arrangement.

Our government relations and advocacy team continue to work to ensure our service provision will continue to be funded in the new Support at Home program. We will continue to keep you up to date on the changes and what it means for Vision Australia, our clients and the broader blindness and low vision community.

More information

To learn more, please visit the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Reforming in-home aged care webpage. To get involved with the in-home aged care consultations, visit the Ageing and Aged Care Engagement Hub where you can also register for the aged care sector newsletter

Over the next 18 months you’ll start to hear more and more about the Federal Government’s new aged care program, Support at Home. While there is still much unknown about the program, it’s important to be aware that these changes are coming and how you can be part of influencing them.