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After losing her vision unexpectedly in 1999, Jude found herself in darkness – but her connection with Vision Australia gave her a whole new beginning. Thanks to the incredible kindness of friends like you, people like Jude can get the specialised support they need.

Jude started out with cane training, then discovered Telelink – our phone-based peer support program – which she found was a huge benefit for her.

"Talking to people going through similar vision loss to me was really helpful in helping me get back out there," she says.

Now 22 years later, Jude is still finding Vision Australia services that help her stay independent and do what she loves. She's even achieving life goals she once thought impossible.

Jude found learning braille quite daunting, but that changed when she met her teacher, Karen from Vision Australia. Jude now finds herself counting down the days until her weekly lesson. "I can't wait for Tuesdays now," Jude says.

In a brilliant twist, Jude now even has the confidence and skill to compose her own original works – short stories and even music in braille! Karen has encouraged her to submit her work to the Dickinson Memorial Competition that showcases short stories or poems by adults who are blind or have low vision.

"I honestly don't think I'd be able to function as a person without Vision Australia," she said. "I'm so grateful to every supporter who is committed to helping people like me!"

Thank you for all you do to support people who are blind or have low vision to live the life they choose.